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This song appears on the following albums:

The Whiffenpoofs of 1991  live, 1991 The Whiffenpoofs of 1989  Down At Mory Whiffenpoofs of 1988, 1988 The Whiffenpoofs of 1987  original cast recording, 1987 GREATEST Whiffenpoof HITS, 1985 Whiffenpoofs of 1982, 1982 More Passage with the Rest..., 1979 The Yale Whiffenpoofs in europe 1978  time after time, 1978 The Whiffenpoof Game, 1977 in ruins  whiffenpoofs of 1975, 1975 Whiffenpoofs of 1972  out to lunch, 1972 The Whiffenpoofs  60th anniversary, 1969 the whiffenpoofs  1968 / both sides now, 1968 The Whiffenpoofs  on the rocks, 1966 the whiffenpoofs, 1963 The New Whiffenpoofs, 1962 Whiffenpoofs of Yale, 1953

When My Sugar Walks Down the Street