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This song appears on the following albums:

The Whiffenpoofs In The Studio, 2006 Songs of Yale, 2000 the yale whiffenpoofs of 1998  chockablock II: back on the block, 1998 yale whiffenpoofs 1997  chockablock, 1997 Tuesday Morning, 1996 The Whiffenpoofs  on the rocks, 1966 the whiffenpoofs, 1963 the Whiffenpoofs of yale  1909 golden anniversary album 1959, 1959 The Whiffenpoofs of 1957  "To the tables down at Mory the yale Whiffenpoofs of nineteen fifty - six, 1956 Whiffenpoofs : 54, 1954 The Yale Whiffenpoofs, 1952 the Whiffenpoofs of yale  1947  new and old songs, 1947

Daddy is a Yale man